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Our Story

Hogar Madre Augusta Merlini is a non-profit institution with a capacity of 20 girls at risk. Founded in Rionegro on May 7, 2000, the Hogar Madre Augusta Merlini, led by the Sisters of Mary S.S. Dolorosa, is located in the village of Cimarrones, on the old road from Rionegro to Marinilla, Antioquia.

Through the establishment of our home we can fulfill the mission of educating, providing shelter and protection to girls and teens whose rights have been violated, especially the right to have a family that respects them. They are welcomed with love in our caring arms to give them: family roots and freedom to grow, which are based on our charter of educating under the model of the holy family of Jesus of Nazareth. We make them feel that life is beautiful in spite of adversities, allowing them moments of happiness and fraternal love as the solid foundation that solidifies the future of each one of them, thus contributing to inner peace and so, without hatred or resentment.

It's important to showcase our work through these girls who come from a flawed society. These girls have found caring Sisters, in the service of God, who are like loving mothers to them. 

Madre Augusta_edited.jpg

Until January 9, 2014, the home was financially supported by the foundation ANAR, with resources that came from Spain. This aid was unexpectedly withdrawn due to an economic recession at that time which generating chaos and confusion for our foundation and especially for our girls who were directly affected. Returning our girls to their at-risk situations was a dreadful possibility that had to be considered.

Given the situation, the Sisters of the SIERVAS DE MARIA SS DOLOROSA, who had been in charge of running the home, wanted to keep doing this important work on their own. With happiness and excitement they embarked on a new adventure to continue helping these girls who need a home and support.

This is a non-profit organization that can accommodate up to 20 girls who are going through very difficult times and are at risk due to their psychological and social vulnerability. Most of these girls don't have the moral or financial support of their families, putting their well-being in danger.

Starting from scratch was necessary, and it is still urgent that kind-hearted people and organizations become aware of our situation and help to support us. We need help to cover the basic needs of the girls and provide them with psychological, educational, and spiritual support. They need comprehensive care to achieve their goals. We are reaching out to you, hoping that someone will provide the support we need.

Siervas de María SS Dolorosa


Dedication - Experience - Passion


The girls study at the Colegio Campestre San Nicolás, which is next door to the home (they even have a connecting door).
The school finances 80% of the cost of the girls' education.


Benefactors: friends and networks of people who help to raise resources, for the Foundation. We sell empanadas, hold raffles, a bazaar as well as other events. 

Do you want to help us?

Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing home for at-risk girls and teens.

Our Mission

Our Mission

To offer girls between 6 and 20 years of age programs and projects of education, recreation, culture, nutrition and psychosocial support that generate an impact on their development, and that of their families and the community. This will improve the quality of their lives as well as foster equity, development and peace within the municipality.


Our Vision

It is a community home with local, regional and national presence, specialized in the development of effective and innovative programs and projects that promote the growth and formation of healthy, sociable, intelligent and happy girls, with protective families and environments, with the goal of developing a society with values.

We need your help today!

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